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About Kristina

Where it all started

12 Years Ago...

I was off to college and gained the Freshman 15 and I hated my body. I would eat junk out of my depression and barley moved my body. I would go to the gym once in awhile and “start a new diet tomorrow” everyday.

Fast forward through my frustration and I fell in love with health. Learning about what is actually good for your body and went to health coaching school. I would workout everyday and I successfully lost weight.

Between then and having my second child I would yo-yo diet and yo-yo fitness. After having my second child I learned that fitness is a lifestyle. I have been going to the gym consistently now for 5 years and LOVE it.

I want to help you get to the same place, where you LOVE being healthy and going to the gym. It will become a non-negotiable. You will wake up wanting it, not fighting internal battles to get in the gym.

Are you ready?


Competitive Athlete

Now finding my passion for fitness I have competed in two Powerlifting Meets and have big goals and dreams for my athletic career. 

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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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